Since season 1 began way back in September 2010 I have to admit to
being slightly obsessed with this show. Not that I live week to week to
see what happens or anything. Before I go into season 2 so far lets take a little look back to season 1 for those of you out of the loop.

Lost Girl is a supernatural drama which focuses on a
succubus (bear with me) called Bo. Not knowing why her kiss literally
sucks the life out of people could get a girl down, that is until Bo
realises she is part of a underworld of beings called the Fae. Still
with me? The bottom line of season 1 is that Bo, a bisexual, is in the
centre of a love triangle involving a Fae police detective, Dyson, and a
rather sexy human doctor, Lauren. Season 1 sees a lot of Dyson action
but season 2, now that is all about the lovely doctor and our sexy
Of course we can’t forget Bo’s human best friend either, Kensi, the funniest character on TV bar none. As sexy as Anna Silk (Bo) and Zoie Palmer (Lauren) are, Ksenia Solo’s Kensi is comedic gold.
Season 2 kicks off with a travelling circus and continues on with
episodes involving witches, werewolves, characters inhabiting one
anothers bodies and all manner of Fae goodness. However, it is learning
Lauren’s back-story that keeps us hooked.
The Morrigan, leader of the dark Fae, employs Bo to do an
investigation and in return promises her information on freeing Lauren.
When Bo is successful the Morrigan gives her a small box and says it’s
the key to saving Nadia. Who? Exactly! Turns out Lauren has a
girlfriend. So who is this Nadia and does Bo have a right to be peeved
that Lauren never brought her up? Well yes, I think she does.
Lauren explains that Nadia is in a coma, she has been for 5 years.
While in the Congo the doc and her photographer girlfriend came across
an illness, turns out it only affected Fae and our hero doctor found a
cure. However, Nadia also got ill and The Ash offered the doc a deal.
He will give her all his resources to find a cure for Nadia but only if
she enslaves herself to him. I know, nasty stuff but lets all swoon
together at Lauren’s loyalty.
When Lauren and Bo open the box given to them by the Morrigan it
contains a nail. What does that mean, who the hells knows, but I am
It’s actually really moving as Lauren is truly torn between the two.
Having spent 5 years as a slave and coming up empty on a cure for
Nadia, she genuinely cares for Bo. Good lord these writers love a good
triangle, issues anyone?
It turns out that the nail is the Morrigan’s way of telling our
ladies that Nadia isn’t ill, she has been cursed. Why and by whom we
don’t know yet but I have two theories. Either she did something to
piss someone off or, more likely, The Ash saw how talented Lauren was in
finding the cure for his people, and set her up to become his slave.
This season’s big bad is the Garuda, basically a creature of immense
strength that feeds off anger. Lachlyn tells Bo that he is a Naga and
his venom is all that will kill the Garuda, he asks her to be his
champion and she agrees. In order to deteat their enemy they must band
together and take him on with Bo leading the way. Lachlyn however
knows that the Garuda will be most vulnerable if he thinks he is
indestructible so he gets Lauren to extract a sample of his venom and
allows the Garuda kill him so he thinks all the venom is gone.
the meantime we see Nadia acting a bit odd, she is trying to suss out
Bo and at one point our suspicions are confirmed when we see Nadia cut
herself and taste her own blood, she’s not herself, to say the least.
Nadia has been taken over by the the Garuda! Bo comes over to Lauren’s
when she gets home to find Kenzi has been assaulted by Nadia. She
Lauren and Nadia all seem to realise what’s going on at once and Nadia
asks Bo to kill her, which she does. Nothing kills a flame like killing
your ladies girlfriend whom she enslaved herself to try to save. Bo
slinks off and Lauren is heartbroken, she thinks about leaving the place together but ends up going to help Lachlyn with his plan.
The writers place Bo in some pretty
interesting scenarios, like going undercover at a school as a sub
teacher and being the sexiest teacher ever seen. They also know what
they have in Bo’s best friend, Kenzi, the funniest character on TV with
the best one liners I have ever heard.
The final two episodes are the battle between the group and the
Garuda. Bo, Lauren, Kenzi, Trick, Dyson, Hale and Ciara are all focused
on the battle ahead when Dyson gets a vision from the wolf spirit and
thinks it is he who is chosen to fight, typical man eh! He was wrong
and Ciara gets it in the guts, her death and that of Nadia means our
love triangle is back on track, now both Dyson and Lauren are free
Bo asks the Nain Rouge (an observer of events) what she need to do to
win the battle and she is told she must unit dark with light, in other
words she needs a dark fae on her team. Bo decides to enlist Vex, I
love Vex, he’s a great recurring character and will no doubt come in
useful in a battle.
Bo discovers that Trick is her grandfather and I love this, it was
kind of obvious, but it was well done and now we can see that the apple
doesn’t fall far from the tree. Trick’s power comes from his blood and
Bo discovers she can control people with hers. she asks the Fae members
of her team to allow Lauren to inject them with her blood, this will
make the circle stronger and eliminate any anger within the group, the
Garuda’s food source if you will. However Vex spills the blood as he is
being injected and so the circle is not complete.
Eventually they all end up in the Garuda’s layer and he takes over
Trick as he did Nadia. He tried to rewrite the laws himself but Vex
holds him off while Bo injects him with the venom. He heads off but
Trick seems lost, Bo however gives Trick her grandmothers life force
which he had given her to take if the darkness within her became too
much. Trick is fine but that darkness does kick in and Kenzi has to
sever the ties between the group to free Bo from it. However at the
very end we see Bo looking into a mirror and her eyes seem like some
darkness remain.
There are a few things left to sort out. Kenzi come to the rescue
and got Dyson his love back from the Norn, but in doing so something
spilt on her arm and at the end of the finale it looks like something is
going on with her arm. However, as I said, the writers definitely left
the season with Bo more into Lauren than Dyson. Last season ended with
Dyson giving up his love to save Bo but this season ended with some
sexy looks between our ladies and although Dyson suggested to Lauren
that now the Ash is dead she could leave, there is no way his
manipulation will make Lauren walk away.
Next time I'll tell you something about the third season of the Lost Girl. Until then, I strongly reccomend you to watch the both seasons of this show.